Having seen countless friends and colleagues make lousy career moves in the mad rush to “get out” as fast as possible, we want those of you in similar situations to avoid making the same mistakes.
So who are we?
We’re a bunch of Millennials who started our careers (fairly) innocently in traditional audit and accounting roles, before deciding we needed something more to get us out of bed in the morning.
Despite continuously being told the contrary, we’ve been able to make our swift exit (multiple times!) into a huge variety of roles that were seemingly out of reach.
Between us we’ve worked across the following mix of full-time, part-time, internships and side hustles:
By the way, there’s just two of us and … to convince you that nothing is out of your reach … we’re still a few years away from turning 30.
We’re not here to talk about how amazing and exceptional we are (we’re nothing of the sort). Rather, we’re here to help you realise that – with a bit of hard work and hustle – you, too, can refocus your career strategy (at any stage) and nail those roles you’ve had your eye on.
At the time, our career moves took guts and we’ve faced a lot of backlash from friends and family (we’ve heard everything from “but you’re giving up so much money” and “you need to CLIMB the ladder, not move sideways” to “why would you want to travel – you should be here paying your taxes” … literally all kinds of nonsense).
But we were sure there were more efficient and exciting ways of achieving our goals of having high-paying, high-impact jobs.
In our previous accounting & audit life, we found ourselves being overly secretive and competitive with our close peers, and struggling to get the truth out of recruiters. We were insecure about having supposedly uninspiring roles compared to friends and desperate to get out, yet scared of taking a wrong turn and pigeon-holing ourselves in a dead-end job.
The result, for many people, is often inaction.
Being an entrepreneur isn’t only applicable to starting your own business.
“Entrepreneurship is a way of looking at the world: seeing opportunity where others see obstacles, taking risks when others take refuge”
– Michael Bloomberg, Founder, Bloomberg, L.P.
We developed a whole new entrepreneurial mindset and applied that to forging our career path (we’ve only recently discovered that LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha write at length about this concept in their book “The start-up of you” … it hits the nail on the head! [Note: This is NOT an affiliate link … just a bloody good book!]).
We can help you navigate the mouse traps along the way, make solid decisions and seize the opportunities to learn more, do more and finally grow into that personality of yours in more strategic, commercial & entrepreneurial roles.
Note that whilst we do want to help you make your swift exit, we’re not here to b*tch about Accounting & Audit; nor are we sour about our time spent there.
Actually, we’re here to help you understand how such roles have set you up for life (as long as you get out of Accounting now), how to make the most of your time whilst you’re still there and how to decide your exit route to increase your chances of success.
We practice what we preach.
We don’t just talk about the theory of how to make the most important moves of your career.
And we won’t stop here.
In fact, we’ll be making career moves with you…
Kickstart your Swift Exit
1) Explore the Exit Options Guide
Our 90+ page guide maps out the landscape to help you avoid pigeon-holing yourself, break into genuine strategic roles & understand the most efficient ways of getting there
2) Spice up your CV/Resume
A 50+ page guide full of Accounting-specific examples & insights to help you showcase your experience properly & win over recruiters for more strategic & commercial roles.
3) Join our online community!
Get hints and tips on how to make the leap into more strategic & commercial roles, build your network & get your questions answered in regular AMA’s with our Co-Founders.
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