Exit Options

Want to explore your post-accounting & audit exit options?

We’ve mapped out the landscape for you.

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At some point in their career, almost every Accountant has a desire to move into something more strategic and/or commercial

Transaction Services roles are idolized, and recruiters often mis-sell you vanilla accounting roles often playing on the goal of getting into Private Equity and/or becoming a C-Suite Executive.

Where to? Accounting and audit exit options
Rock ship to reach your career heights

Yet there are more efficient and effective ways to get out of the finance weeds and up to the top…

Firstly, you need to focus your efforts.

Determine where you are on your career decision-making journey

Structure your approach at any stage of your career

Structured approach to career moves and decision-making

Most people don’t spend enough time in Phase 1

Considering career direction

Applying for anything and everything gives recruiters the upper hand and leaves key questions unanswered:

  • How to make sure I don’t pigeon-hole myself by making a wrong move?
  • How do I know what is genuinely a “strategic” or “commercial” role?
  • Which roles do I have the best chances of getting (and adding value to) post-accounting & audit?
  • Should I work In-Industry or Advisory?
  • How to approach finding and applying to such roles (i.e. choosing a specialism or sector)?

….but that’s the best place to start!

Knowing the full extent of exit opportunities available to you, how you are positioned relative to them, and the hurdles you might need to jump over, is the most effective way to plan your route in.

Jumping over hurdles
Car driving you to your career destination

It’s why we mapped out the landscape for you

We started TheSwiftExit due to the total lack of trustworthy, tried-and-tested advice and insider-insights to help accountants specifically at any stage of their career.

Now we’re going one step further!

The first independent insight to the post-accounting & audit career landscape
Career guide for accountants image

We’ve combined our tried-and-tested experience and intel (incl. in many of the roles you’re thinking about) with the personalised advice we give countless successful TheSwiftExit clients to create Exit Options | A guide to the landscape – a completely independent digital guide with no agenda other than to help you make the best decision for you, and no one else.


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“So many hidden gems in here. No one tells you this stuff!
– Audit, Non-Big 4 from Boston, USA

90+ pages to put you ahead of the pack

We’re confident that we can open your mind to so much more than where your peers are applying and give you the intel, confidence & tools to fast-track beyond accounting & audit.

90+ pages dedicated to help you avoid pigeon-holing yourself, break into genuine strategic & commercial roles and make the best moves of your career.

90+ hours of top-tier expert content
Detailed career pathways
Lifetime access to guide
Career guide for accountants

In the guide, we cover:

  • the post-accounting & audit landscape, including the strategic & commercial roles that evolve naturally from where you’re currently sitting
  • the lucrative areas to focus your efforts to avoid pigeon-holing yourself and getting your foot firmly in the door to a strategic career path
  • the very definition of strategic & commercial to help you avoid being mis-sold roles that aren’t actually strategic
  • insider insights to an extensive list of strategic & commercial roles and career paths – discover the work-life reality and career progression
  • the difference between in-industry and advisory roles (e.g. what’s the difference between M&A and Transaction Services).
  • how to approach your long-term career decision making and job searches to get where you’re going efficiently
  • the skills and experiences you’re currently sitting on that can help you actually land commercial & strategic roles.

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“There are so many roles I didn’t know existed before I bought the Exit Options Guide and I’m so much more confident on how the whole market works.”
– Audit, Big 4 from London, UK
“Using this guide I’ve finally been able to hone in on what I want to do and know exactly what roles / titles to apply myself to.”
– Forensic Accounting, Big 4 from New York, USA
Expert designed course on commercial finance & strategy
Our Guide gives you a solid foundation to your career decision-making journey

Nail the “Explore” phase and get insider insights to work-life reality

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Our principles and teaching philosophy

Based in reality
Built by industry experts with extensive real-world accounting, commercial & strategy experience, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). Know that the advice you’re learning is at the forefront of the industry.
This guide is designed specifically to deliver practically-relevant insights and real-world applicability for you to immediately implement in your career decision-making
Cut to the chase
We don’t want you to waste time chasing irrelevant extended qualifications or “off-piste” roles to get where you want to go. Gain 10+years of hard-earned on-the-job commercial expert career insights in this one guide. Efficiency, delivered.
We’ve been exposed to many international markets through our work and clients, so that that the advice you’re getting applies directly to you.

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Not quite ready to commit to buying our Exit Options guide? You can still kickstart your exit from accounting & auditing with our helpful offerings
1) Spice up your CV / Resume


A 50+ page guide full of Accounting-specific examples & insights to help you showcase your experience properly & win over recruiters for more strategic & commercial roles
CV_resume guide

Get the Guide >>

2) 1:1 career advice coaching


We’ve been where you are, and tried-and-tested experience in getting many of the roles you’re thinking about. Let us help you forge your specific swift exit with one of our Coaching Packages!

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